
Papercuts - "Can't Go Back"

Papercuts is the band-vehicle for San Francisco songwriter Jason Quever. They have recently released their second album, Can’t Go Back, through Gnomonsongs. The album is a full of the kind of hazy folk that seems to have been sent to us straight from the 60’s. Quever owes a giant debt to Blonde On Blonde-era Bob Dylan, as many of his songs possess a similar complexity that comes across as raggedness, as well as these sinuous little melodies that sneak into your head through the back door.

Careful listens reveal these songs to be much more than the tossed-off afterthoughts they may seem at first. There are layers of gentle instrumentation, and Quever has a voice that is perfectly suited to the dreamy, shadowy folk running through the album‘s 10 songs. “Take the 227th Exit” stumbles in like a drunk at a wedding, ready to steal the bride but winding up innocently dancing with the flower girl. It is the track most obviously Dylan- influenced, and, if not for the vocal differences, would fit comfortably between “Most Likely You Go Your Way And I’ll Go Mine” and “Temporary Like Achilles”.

The band is currently on tour with Grizzly Bear and Beach House, so that may give you an idea of what their sound is like, but Papercuts is more traditional and rustic than either band.

Check out some mp3 samples below, and purchase Can’t Go Back from Insound.


MP3 :: John Brown
MP3 :: Take The 227th Exit
(from Can't Go Back)

Visit Papercuts myspace for tour dates and more band info.

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