
Broken Social Scene - Forgiveness Rock Record

Though it’s lacking an instant classic like “Cause=Time”, “Almost Crimes”, or “Superconnected”, Broken Social Scene’s Forgiveness Rock Record has been growing on me with each spin over the past two or three weeks. I might go on record as saying it’s the Canadian collective’s most listenable record, start to finish, ever. That’s saying something considering You Forgot It In People’s status as one of indie-rock’s quintessential albums of the past ten years (a statement I understand, but don‘t necessarily agree with. To me it’s 5 or 6 great songs surrounded by a bunch I usually skip). On Forgiveness Rock Record the band seems to have figured out a way to play to their immense strengths (selfless collaboration, slapdash performances, awe-inspiring expanse) while keeping the focus on presenting a strong set of songs straight through. Credit producer John McIntyre (Tortoise/The Sea And Cake) for tightening up the sound while keeping all the key elements firmly in place. Everything’s good here, but right now I’m especially loving the sly “Ungrateful Little Father”, “All To All”, the horn-fueled “Art House Director”, and the gently pulsing “Sentimental X’s”. I guess I probably could do without a two-minute ode to masturbation, but being that that one comes 58 minutes into the album, I’m willing to not quibble. Listen up:

Stream :: Forgiveness Rock Record
(Buy here)

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