
Live Review - AA Bondy @ Southpaw

Last evening I had the distinct pleasure of catching PHW favorite A.A. Bondy live for the first time. He played at Southpaw and came armed with an acoustic guitar, a small fleet of harmonicas, and his “pretty wife” (not my words, my girlfriend’s, though I’m not disagreeing) Claire (?) on piano for a handful of songs.

Please don’t let the obvious amateurism of my photography offset what I thought of Bondy’s set. I’ve championed this man’s music several times this year and hopefully the world (or whoever it might be that checks this blog out) is beginning to listen. The crowd last night, a nice amount of people for an 8:00 performance on a Tuesday, was spread throughout Southpaw’s spacious, comfortable environs. Many though were standing right up close to the stage, listening intently to Bondy sing his often disarmingly beautiful folk songs.
Bondy mostly played songs from his recently released record American Hearts, as fine a collection of songs as has been released all year, genre regardless. On personal favorites “Of The Sea” and “Witness Blues” Bondy proved his cracked, Southern melodies were versatile, as he tweaked them ever-so-slightly to fill the large room. The piano accompaniment only added to the beauty of a song like “American Hearts” and the rhythm of “Killed Myself When I Was Young”. A mid-set cover of Tom Waits’ “Hang Down Your Head” was especially poignant and received quite a rousing response from the crowd.

The set ended too soon with a gorgeous “Black Rain, Black Rain” - one of the many highlights from the album. Bondy is not to be missed live - if you’re a fan of American Hearts (and seriously, you oughtta be) make sure to check him out when he hits your town. He’s playing NY again Thursday, October 18 at Mo’ Pitkins (for free!) in the afternoon.

MP3 :: There’s A Reason
MP3 :: Vice Rag
(from American Hearts. Buy here)

Bonus MP3 :: I’m On Fire (Springsteen cover)
(American Hearts outtake)

1 comment:

  1. You should really check out Verbena, esp. "Into the Pink" and "Souls For Sale." Incredible bluesy southern rock.
