The 8-song release features a brand new Spoon song - “All I Got Is Me”, which sways from dark and foreboding verses led by pounded pianos to a catchy, tambourine and slashing guitar fueled chorus. Also included is the original version of “Don’t You Evah” (actually titled “Don’t You Ever” - apparently Britt lost it in translation) by The Natural History. I hadn’t heard this band’s version before, but imagine Urge Overkill covering the Spoon version and you’d be close - dude’s voice is very close to Mr. “Sister Havana” himself, Nash Kato.
MP3 :: Don’t You Ever (by The Natural History)
(from Don’t You Evah EP. Buy here)
P.S. - Best album art evah?
The Natural History were great... check out the video for "Watch This House"
The curiosity of this Natural History track is one of the main reasons why people would buy this EP, yet you post it for free? C'mon now.
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